Outside Haus Careers and Employment in Eugene, OR
Outside Haus
Outside Haus, LLC is an Independent Manufacturer’s Rep Agency.
…representing great outdoor gear in thirteen Western US states, including AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, OR, NM, NV, UT WA and WY.
The name ‘Outside Haus’ originates from a desire to make a living outside. And rather than using the word Home, we chose Haus because it ends in ‘us’. It's not about me, rather us. And us includes 'u'...
March'12, Outside Haus, LLC incorporated in Oregon, researched and trademarked our OutService-Clinic™ and added our first affiliate agents.
By the end of year 2012, we anticipate having as many as 10-12 independent, affiliate representatives covering separate regions with a deep penetration in high demographic and outdoor-sport-intensive zones.
Our 3-year goal is up to 30 independent agents and ambassador-type guides. We continually ask our dealers and vendors to recommend qualified, energetic and dedicated individuals to join efforts with us. We believe that the solution to many systemic problems today with regard to health and economics can be partially addressed through efforts to get people outdoors.
Currently, the Outdoor Industry is the second largest economic sector of the US GDP. Second only to the Healthcare Industry. With that in mind, we believe that collectively, the Outdoor Industry best serves the public good by supplanting the Healthcare Industry, in good part, through a participant approach that can only be done in a grassroots movement, such as ours.
We are a member in good standing of the National Bicycle Dealers Association, the Outdoor Industry Association, WWSRA and Team IMBA. We attend regional buyer shows, Outdoor Retailer, Interbike and other industry events. We represent product lines to key specialty retailers in cycling and outfitting, with crossover into fishing, hunting, paddle sports, running, sports nutrition, winter sports.