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Sea State (Groundswell) Educational Travel Careers and Employment in CArdiff, CA

Sea State (Groundswell) Educational Travel

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CArdiff | US
SurfTime Magazine, Bali Editorial Assistant Program – SurfTime Magazine, Southeast Asia’s only online and print surf periodical, is seeking passionate and energetic Editorial Assistants to help facilitate their operations. Accepted assistants will receive practical educational instruction from Sam and Matt George, who have decades of experience in producing surf related copy and films. In addition to receiving this surf journalism training course, interns will: 1. Observe and contribute to the publication process 2. Assist in SurfTime Magazine’s social media initiatives 3. Write editorials 4. Be put on assignment to shoot photographs for copy 5. Assist in the implementation of a university level surf journalism course 6. Contribute/volunteer on humanitarian initiatives in Bali. Participation in this unique, resume enhancing, Editorial Assistant Program costs $3,100. This includes ocean front lodging, course and work related excursions, all meals, educational instruction from Sam and Matt George, and also, if desired, three university level credits in surf journalism.
1501 Lincoln Blvd.#1014 Venice, CA. 90291