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Skinnie Entertainment Magazine Careers and Employment in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Skinnie Entertainment Magazine

Rancho Cucamonga | US
Since its inception in 2002, Skinnie Entertainment Magazine has remained adamant in highlighting the finest examples of Southern California lifestyle. More than relying on celebrity notoriety, the pages of Skinnie have served as a collection of the must know places and faces that people want to know about. Harnessing a healthy combination of both the timeless as well as the current trends, Skinnie remains the definitive Southern California lifestyle publication that aims to be as diverse as our reader. Delving into music, fashion, sports, culture, art & entertainment, our pages explore the story behind the personalities and never shy away from honesty and even a little controversy. Resonating more with the practical then the pretentious, Skinnie readers know that if it’s in our pages, it must be worth looking into.
1501 Lincoln Blvd.#1014 Venice, CA. 90291