Famous Stars and Straps Careers and Employment in Ontario, CA
Famous Stars and Straps

Nobody will ever match the moves of Michael Jackson, the poetic genius of Jim Morrison or Bob Dylan, the confidence of Kanye, the mystique of Marilyn Monroe, the intimidation of Muhammed Ali, the innovation of Nikola Tesla... These star qualities are what made these people Famous. Though they are are all very different, the similarities between these characters are undeniable. Would you not agree? Their hunger is constant, their minds are made up, and their attitudes, relentless. Their impossibly bold actions inspire the rest of the world. We all have gifts, but without determination, without embracing faith, without a hint of insanity to take the risk, to speak out against the status-quo, the gift is worthless, the dream is over. Attitude is everything, and this is what our brand is all about.
Being Famous is a bi-product of a lifetime of truthful work, wearing Famous is a willingness to be different. It's not for everybody, it's for a breed of people dedicated to a lifetime of struggle, to perfecting their gifts, to questioning the way things are, provoking change and thought through art. People who wear Famous are not customers, they are a part of the Famous Family. It's about being yourself despite what anyone else thinks. It's acknowledging a responsibility to give the world your 110%, because that's all you know how to do. It's an opportunity to share yourself with the history books. We aim to encourage, and equip the future Stars of this generation.
In 1999, our visionary Travis Barker, set up shop in Riverside, CA with a progressive line of Straps, otherwise known as belts. Travis still directs our creative team and maintains sole ownership to this day. In 17 years, we've funded grassroots style endorsements of nearly every sport, art, and charity that's come across our desks. We've immersed ourselves in our local and international communities hosting everything from BBQs to full blown concerts. We love life, we love the work, we love to participate, we love to make noise. These days, we're an international distributor of clothing, accessories and beyond. Stay tuned, we're just getting started, 'cause Nobody Cares Go Harder.