United Sports Brands Careers and Employment in Fountain Valley, CA
United Sports Brands
United Sports Brands is a global leader in sports performance and protective products designed to help athletes perform at their personal best. Brands within the company’s impressive portfolio include Shock Doctor, the #1 global leader in mouthguards; McDavid, a brand at the top of the recommended lists of pro athletes, sports medicine professionals and athletic trainers for more than 30 years; Cutters, the innovative leader in the athletic glove market and high performance glove grip technology; XO Athletic, a premium, game-changing developer of athletic cups and sports protection; and Nathan the Running Essentials™ market leader in athletic hydration and visibility products. Our products are sold at the major sporting goods retailers as well as a significant number of independent sporting goods retailers and distributors throughout the U.S. and in selective international markets and through our consumer direct websites at www.ShockDoctor.com; www.McDavidusa.com; www.CuttersSports.com; www.XoAthletic.com; www.nathansports.com.