alex howland: Certified Student Attorney in Sacramento, UT
alex howland
Certified Student Attorney
Sacramento | United States
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Work experience
Bankruptcy Clinic, Community Legal Services
Certified Student Attorney | 09/2019 - Current
Certified with the State Bar of California under the Practical Training of Law Students program. Provide direct services,
including Chapter 7 petition filing, to clients who are accepted to the clinic under the supervision of a staff attorney. Conduct
research, draft court documents, and represent clients in court as needed.
Freeman Lovell, PLLC
Summer Associate | 06/2019 - 08/2019
Supported transactional matters specifically related to business and commercial real estate transactions. Performed legal
research and drafted legal memoranda.
Wagner Kirkman Blaine Klomparens & Youmans
Legal Extern | 03/2019 - 05/2019
Performed research, drafted legal memoranda, and supported supervising attorney with various issues relating to estate
planning, tax, and real estate.
Zions Bancorporation
Intern - Municipal Finance Group | 06/2018 - 08/2018
Supported in-house counsel and the national municipal finance group on transactions relating to the execution of credit analysis and purchase of municipal bonds, loans and leases.