Bryan Kocurek: Descriptions Editor in Irving, TX

Bryan Kocurek

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Descriptions Editor
Irving | United States

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Image FYI Television, Inc.

FYI Television, Inc.

Descriptions Editor | 11/2012 - Current

FYI Television, Inc. (FYI), the TV metadata and entertainment image content expert, accumulates and distributes TV entertainment content and linear scheduling data from over 12,000+ TV networks daily, aggregating the information into customized formats for various television, mobile, internet and print clients. Through the vast array of applications our entertainment data is filtered into, hundreds of millions of consumers engage with FYI's content daily. FYI is at the top of its game, maintaining the highest standards of accuracy, flexibility, scalability and consistency for all clients, and furthermore, setting the overall pace in the fast-evolving world of entertainment programming and television metadata. Learn how we can help you at Duties: • Responsible for editing and maintaining descriptions for episodic content for networks across the United States, and featured on online and printed TV guides, and major satellite and cable providers. • Fact-check television programs and schedules. • Compose and edit biographical information for celebrities.

Freelance Writer | 12/2013 - Current

• Author original album reviews for bands and artists of a variety of genres, including indie, electronic, and folk, in a specific way that caters to a wide audience. • Revise and edit other contributors’ work before publication. • Manage correspondence with staff and contributors.
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