Chris Pollard: Sales Manager in Garden Grove, CA
Chris Pollard
Sales Manager
Garden Grove | United States
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Performance Radiator
Sales Manager | 11/1997 - Current
Title: Western Regional Sales Manager
Location: Seattle, WA
Dates: 2006 - present
Description: Recruit, hire, train and motivate new sales staff. Supervise 7 representatives for multi-site business operations. Conduct extensive industry research and implement relationship development initiatives with car insurance groups to diversity and specialize in crash part replacement business. Instrumental in capturing new key accounts for e-business and network buying groups.
Key Accomplishments:
• Manage 6 warehouse locations with revenues totaling over $4 million in sales.
• Generated and managed nearly $4 million in annual territory sales revenue.
• Promoted to Sales Manager within 3 years of starting with national company.
• Selected by Upper Management to assume responsibility for all of California, plus Las Vegas, Reno, Oregon and Utah territories.
Title: Wholesale Distributor Sales Representative
Location: Seattle, WA
Dates: 1997 - present
Description: Managed multi-site, multi-state territory with aggregate annual sales of $4 million. Oversaw all sales personnel activities throughout California and Nevada. Played integral role in executing several industry trade shows, seminars and conventions each year.
Key Accomplishments:
• Managed, tracked and expedited import of direct container sales averaging up to $750,000 annually, as well as numerous other automotive products.
• Traveled with key customers to overseas facilities to education and enhance relationships.