Conor Doherty: member (link) in Salzburg, 5
Conor Doherty
member (link)
Salzburg | AT
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Work experience
member (link) | 06/2018 - Current
Having been an active member of the PESGB I was approached to join the Young Professionals Committee in June 2018. The ultimate goal of the PESGB YP is to support early career professionals and encourage
their participation in the wider petroleum geoscience community, which is achieved by providing outreach
(e.g. mentoring and sponsorship), technical seminars (e.g. YP Seminars, YP Lecture, YP PETEX session, YP DEVEX session, Technical sessions, Geo-Pub Tour, Field Trip, House of Commons) and other social events.
Informa Group
Asset Analysis Manager | 09/2018 - 04/2019
Lloyds list Intelligence is a product offering within the Maritime B.I. sector of the Informa Group. As the
Asset Analysis Manager, I oversaw the vessel database. This included managing data that feeds into the ship's characteristics (dimensions, mechanical equipment, voyage histories etc.) as well as a ship's
performance history (casualties, arrests/detentions, inspections etc.). My team consisted of 2 analysts, 7
remote data administrators (based in Chennai) and numerous correspondents in order to maintain a
database of over 150,000 live vessels as well as a 24hr casualty reporting service.
IHS Markit
Senior Research Scout | 05/2014 - 09/2018
Whilst working primarily in IHS Markits Global Exploration & Production Services (GEPS) and EDIN products
I provided my team (NW Europe) with upstream oil and gas research analysis through scouting. My
responsibilities at IHS Markit included writing the weekly drilling highlights, monthly seismic summaries,
quarterly and annual drilling reports as well as sourcing data on farm-in deals and licensing activities. I
would source data directly, avoiding 3rd party sources in line with IHS Markit policy, and include details such as weekly drilling updates (depths, casing points, forward activity), planned drilling activity (Fm. targets, planned TD's, casing points, spud dates etc.) and rumoured M&A activity (including licence interests etc.). All my research was supported by an extensive bank of industry contacts formed over 8
years in the oil & gas sector. Other parts of my role included leading client facing meetings (sales assistance, product demos, product feedback & data gathering), attending industry conferences and
events and arranging, hosting and chairing the UK Scout group meeting.
HRH Geological Services
Wellsite Geologist | 12/2012 - 05/2014
I was responsible for providing analysis, evaluation and description of geological formations during drilling
operations using cuttings, gas, FEMWD and wireline data, identifying formation boundaries, casing and
coring points. I also advised on drilling hazards, reported to and advised client personnel onsite and the
client office. My role required me to supervise and provide quality control of mudlogging, FEMWD and wireline services. I also ensured all required documentation was carried out on a daily and weekly basis as
well as creating post well reports and completing logs.
Data Engineer | 07/2010 - 12/2012
I monitored the drilling operation and maintained sensors and data acquisition equipment. In addition, I
led a small team that included a mud logger and sample catcher, supporting them in their roles. This
allowed me to develop and maintain relationships with clients as the primary objective of my role was to
provide detailed daily reports and a final analysed well report, based on the data gathered during the drilling operation, in order to control and insure an optimized drilling operation.
Email: Telephone: 07772975818
data engineer | 07/2010 - 07/2011
July 2010 - July 2011 (1 year 1 month)
The scope of my role as a mud logger was to assist with, or have direct responsibility for, the effective
management of the mud logging unit, including personnel and equipment. I assisted other well site
personnel and the drilling operation by monitoring and recording drilling parameters, drilling fluid
properties and pumping parameters and providing primary well control surveillance by plotting pressure
trends. As the mud logger I was also responsible for information on the rock formations being drilled by
describing geological cuttings and monitoring gas shows. In this role I was required to absorb a wide range
of technical information including geology, chemistry, mechanics, fluid mechanics, electronics and computer science in preparation for my role as a data engineer.