Ian Pearlswig: Member
Ian Pearlswig
United States
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Work experience
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Tau Chapter
Member | 08/2019 - Current
• Plan Student Rams Club events, give athletic facility tours, aid with game day activities and volunteer opportunities
• Serve as a liaison between the UNC greater student body and the Rams Club
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Tau Chapter
Member | 08/2019 - Current
Communications Task Force, Strategist
o Quantify the impact of the Branch's communication strategies, assisting with implication of activities and events
• State and External Affairs Task Force
o Help facilitate a productive relationship between the student body and the external governing bodies
• Student Safety and Wellness Committee
o Extended the Angel Shot initiative to more local bars and restaurants, host academic trainings for students
North Carolina Football Club
Volunteer | 08/2016 - Current
• Worked with mentally and physically disabled kids every Sunday night
• Taught the athletes how to play soccer with two hour practices including lessons on warm-ups, technique, teamwork, and real
situation games
• Received North Carolina TOP Soccer Buddy of the Year award in 2017
PayTack AB
Head of Operations | 06/2019 - 08/2019
A facial recognition software startup that is based in Copenhagen. They use their technology to make offices more efficient.
• Facilitated connections with other companies and solicited customer feedback
• Arranged over ten difference meetings with potential clients for the product
• Secured three new clients to test the product in their offices
• Designed formal brochure that would introduce the product to prospective companies
Brooks Designs Co
Marketing Intern | 06/2018 - 08/2018
A local art business that is based in Raleigh. Their products include stickers, prints, pins, and postcards.
• Compiled list of potential clients around the Raleigh and Durham area
• Created business formal email to contact the potential businesses that were part of the contacting list
• Had weekly meetings with management on status of potential client interaction along with refining list of companies that were to be to contacted
• Contacted and worked with more than twenty businesses on getting Brooks Designs products into their stores
North Carolina Football Club
Certified Referee | 08/2015 - 04/2017
Soccer club known nationally that holds thousands of participants.
• Managed and scheduled games that were needed to be refereed
• Completed a certification class to continue referee status every single year involved
• Refereed various ages from seven to sixteen-year-olds
• Maintained discipline by entering each score of all games refereed on the website