ignacio Ordonez: Founder and CEO in CABA, C
ignacio Ordonez
Founder and CEO
No information
Work experience
Correntoso Hong Kong
Founder and CEO | 02/2016 - Current
- Created a fly fishing gear business with focus in production and global marker, this company will work as
a global central office.
- Created a fly fishing gear business out of a revolutionary fly reel design of my own, patented in the US.
My fly reel design won the prestigious 2007 edition of the Argentine INNOVAR award for technological
innovation and the BAITEC.
- Secured first round of financing and expanded original portfolio from 1 to 3 main products and
- Catering to niche customers with a preference for top quality gear through a variety of global retail
channels and direct, online sales.
- Currently working on an innovative strategy to cost-efficiently apply A-B testing methodologies in the
development of physical products.
Ordonez ID
Founder and Project management | 07/2001 - Current
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Founded an industrial design firm and designed + 60 products for start-ups and well known industrial
clients in Argentina.
- Managed a highly qualified design team, led the design process from concept development, prototype
building, testing and production in China.
- Developed specific suppliers when no sourcing was available for a specific project.
- I've designed products solving complex problems in a wide range of technologies.