Jacob Wearsch: Division Manager in Boulder, CO
Jacob Wearsch
Division Manager
Boulder | United States
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Work experience
University Games
Division Manager | 09/2021 - Current
Di v i s ion Manager ? Uni ver s it y Games Inc . ? Sept 202 1 - Present
Manage largest business unit comprising BePuzzled and Murder Mystery Party brands totalling $19.5 million in annual domestic
revenue. Oversees the sales, marketing, and product strategies for two lines with over 200 unique styles.
Delivers financial results, performance indicators, and inventory positioning to CEO and board on monthly basis.
Defined product roadmap following the company's first consumer insights synthesis through 2025.
Budgets and defines brand marketing plans for television, internet, and event advertising. Works with international offices in UK and
Australia to provide collateral and guidance on international marketing.
Leading a comprehensive sourcing audit to bring manufacturing back to North America to combat the rising lead times and costs of
shipping from Asian manufactures.
Maintains sales plan through weekly meetings with domestic sales staff. Maintains sales accounts with two national retailers.
CamelBak Products, LLC
Product Manager | 10/2019 - 09/2021
Managed the following categories as business units: Running Softgoods, Hiking Softgoods, TPU Goods and Reservoirs, Filtration
Products, Special Projects
Streamlined NPI process through introduction of new product briefs and project scope practices. Decreased development time
from 24 to 18 months on products within these new categories.
Maintained inline product through SKU rationalization, EOL strategy, and carryover management. Saw >%50 growth on existing
categories such as running and hiking sewn-goods based on Spring 2022 buy-in.
Led consumer insights and athlete summits to better understand product utilization and consumer archetypes. Pivoted from inperson to remote insight sessions during pandemic through use of AYTM, Survey Monkey, User Interviews, and video interviews.
Reported core team progress by presenting milestone information to CamelBak Senior Leadership. Communicated updates on
cost/CapEx, margin targets, product features, marketing GTM planning, and early forecasts.
Evaluated product success through 6 and 12 month post-launch-reviews, P+L data metrics, and ECOM analytics.
Rossignol Brands
Product Project Manager | 10/2017 - 10/2018
Coordinated production of softgoods for all SMU, OEM, and specialty products within Rossignol Brands product lines. Managed teams and timelines from conception to final production run for packs and apparel.
Worked with Rossignol (Ski, Fashion, and Outdoor), Dynastar, Raidlight, Vertical, TIME Sport, and private-label brands
Managed design process, development, sourcing and buying functions for above product.
Spent 20% of time in Asia working with factories/suppliers to hit deadlines, streamline production and negotiate pricing
Coordinated efforts of product teams from multiple offices and brands to create unique product for SMU/OEM market
Organized custom assortments of trims and fabrics for brand-specific collections
Cooperated with European and North American retailers to build exclusive collections. Customers included Sport 2000, Nature et Decouvertes, Urban Outfitters, and more
Ultimate Direction
Product Manager | 04/2017 - 09/2017
Managing the Ultimate Direction product line gave me a higher-level understanding of all of the moving parts required to launch a season worth of products as well as the experience of managing the schedules of factories, merchandisers, and designer/developers.
Maintained factory relations including the negotiation of pricing and terms and on-boarding of new factories
Managed all product (200+ unique SKUs) including production timelines, cost grids, and master product guide within newly created database to consolidate information between Shanghai and USA offices
Researched and presented market data, opportunity identification, cost targeting, trim/color/material selection processes in order to achieve a streamlined re-branding effort
Maintained strict timelines for product team to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality product for global distribution
Managed all trademark, legal, copyright, and compliance materials in accordance with multinational regulatory agencies
Worked hand-in-hand with Sales Director and Marketing Team to establish cohesive brand strategy
Ultimate Direction
Product Developer | 03/2016 - 04/2017
Facilitating the development of a full product assortment allowed me to focus on important product details while understanding the production
process that takes place on a factory level. Communicating product changes to international manufacturers and merchandisers was the most
important skill set I developed during this time.
Organized product data, collateral, and marketing materials for distribution within organization
Supported Product Manager and Designer to condense development process
Attended trade shows and industry events to stay up to date on market trends, emerging categories, and technologies
Assisted Photographer and Marketing team for photo shoots and video interviews
Met with international vendors to select trims, hardware, materials, etc.
Brought market-leading innovation to design process when expanding product line to include shelters, high volume packs, and other fastpacking/ultralight backpacking equipment
Exxel Outdoors
Account Manager | 08/2014 - 03/2016
Managed all day-to-day communication between a wide range of vendors and specialty brands (Kelty, Sierra Designs Ultimate Direction).
Accounts included international, Ecommerce, and national chain retailers.
Developed volume forecasting, billing estimate, and SKU rationalization expertise
Maintained price brackets and program sheets for international distributors
Coordinated distribution of sales and marketing collateral
Responsible for monthly order book and quarterly reporting
Created extensive reporting tools to aid in account management and sales support
Worked exclusively with high end brands (Kelty, Sierra Designs, Ultimate Direction, Slumberjack)
Amazon and REI account management experience ($10+ Million in annual sales alone)
American Recreation Products
Customer Service Representative | 02/2014 - 08/2014
Being responsible for the daily communication with evolving demands of outdoor gear enthusiasts acquainted me with the rigors faced by our products and the expectations of consumers in regards to the use of such gear.
Coordinated warranty and repair services of running, camping and other outdoor products
Maintained daily email/phone contact with end consumers and brick and mortar accounts
Managed the acquisition and distributing technical specifications for legacy products
Managed direct-to-consumer ecommerce/website orders from when the order was placed until it arrived at final
Created credit memos and return authorizations as well as coordinated the shipping for defective products.