Kristi O'Connor: Occupational Therapist in Fresno, CA
Kristi O'Connor

Occupational Therapist
Fresno | United States
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Work experience
Outpatient & Inpatient
Occupational Therapist | 07/2019 - Current
• Diagnoses treated: Autsim, chromosomal abnormalities, feeding difficulties, Sensory Processing Disorder, seizure disorders, ADHD.
• Evaluate fine motor, sensory skills and feeding skills.
• Facilitate treatment plans for patients and families.
• Provide education and interventions for patient families.
• Communicate with physicians, specialist, RNs and PTs.
North Clackamas School District
Occupational Therapist-School Based | 09/2018 - 06/2019
• Diagnoses treated: Cerebral Palsy, Autism, developmentally delayed, sensory integration, ADHD, Hydrocephalus, Seizure Disorders, William's Syndrome, orthopedic impairments
• Implemented IEP goals and sensory diets
• Provided fine motor, behavior and sensory goals
• Collaborated and consulted with SLPs, school psychologists, PTs and school staff to increase carryover of fine motor and sensory skills.
• Educated school staff on classroom adaptations/modifications.
Manor Care Skilled Nursing
Occupational Therapist-Skilled Nursing | 01/2018 - 09/2018
• Diagnoses Treated: Dementia, Alzheimer's, cancer, UE injuries, THR, TKR, gangrene, sepsis, COPD, CHF, obesity, Parkinson's Disease, ESRD
• Facilitated discharge plans to client's home in collaboration with rehabilitation team
• Evaluated and screened patients at home and in the SNF
• Educated patients, families and caregivers on treatment plans and adaptive techniques
• Implemented intervention plans that focused on ADLs, IADLs, memory loss, decreased strength/endurance and impaired functional mobility
• Performed home assessment upon patient discharge for safety, modifications, etc.
Occupational Therapist-School Based
Battle Ground School District
Therapist Unlimited | 03/2016 - 06/2017
Portland Public School District
License & Certification:
Occupational Therapist, Registered:
- NBCOT Certification, license number: 352626 03/31/2019-03/31/2021
- Oregon license number: 352626 03/01/2016-5/31/2020
- CA license number: 16015