Lauren Maghran: Environmental Protection Specialist
Lauren Maghran
Environmental Protection Specialist
United States
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Work experience
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Specialist | 01/2015 - Current
Led GIS and data tool development to provide products and data
management during the Northern California Wildfire Cleanup response:
including the ArcGIS Collector App, webmaps, data collection, data analysis,
ESRI Dashboards and story maps.
• Led projects within the Air Division: planning the tribal grant process and maintaining tribal funding deadlines.
University of Arizona
Graduate Student Researcher | 09/2012 - 12/2014
- Arizona
• Supervised and coordinated field projects including managing a field crew
and writing grant proposals.
• Created GIS tools to map and manage data for analysis and publication.
United States Peace Corps
Peace Corps Volunteer | 03/2010 - 07/2012
Dominican Republic
• Established a water committee with a fisherman's group in order to educate and address water, sanitation and fishing needs in the community.