Mike Serrano: in San Gabriel
Mike Serrano
San Gabriel | United States
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Work experience
Litho Prep
Senior Mac Operator | 09/1992 - 01/2009
Responsibilities included assessing job requirements, interfacing with clients, Retouch photos and manipulate within Photoshop. Layout production work in Indesign, Illustrator and QuarkXpress.
Testing new software and subsequent training. Working with dielines to create packaging materials.
Detailed daily activities included file assembly, design, troubleshooting, image retouching, trapping both within applications as well as in-rip trapping, drum scanning and imaging. Output film, plates for all presses.
In depth knowledge of QuarkXpress, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Freehand, Pagemaker and others on both
Mac and PC platforms. Accomplishment due to perseverance and hard work landed Disney account.