Nathen Peterfeso: in Grand Forks, ND
Nathen Peterfeso
Grand Forks | United States
No information
Downhill skiing
waterfowl hunting
Work experience
Northern Lights Council, BSA
District Director | 05/2012 - 06/2015
In a service area of 14 counties in two states, while providing leadership to two direct reports, I was responsible for the growth of the scouting program. I trained and coached staff members on council plans and policies which led to the successful implementation of the plans and a 4.1% growth rate in recruiting new youth members for 36 scout units. I was the staff advisor for a council wide fundraising program where I gave leadership to ten unit serving executives who administered the plan I developed and where we realized 4% growth over the previous year. In addition, I organized and managed a special event in my service area that had a 20% increase in net income over previous years by increasing corporate sponsorships and ticket sales.
Central Minnesota Council, BSA
Senior District Executive | 03/2009 - 05/2012
I managed a service area of four counties in Central Minnesota where I was responsible for facilitating the scouting program. Duties included membership management, volunteer recruitment and training, and fundraising. I increased membership in each of the three years with a growth rate of 6.3%. I developed and managed event budgets while coordinating yearly activities for scouts by giving leadership to volunteers and inspiring them to lead their scouting units. I supervised a youth drive product sale which grew 12.7% in three years. Created and organized a committee of Eagle Scouts to increase council engagement among Eagle Scout alumni. This committee nominated and selected two Outstanding Eagle Scout Award recipients and provided recognition to the class of new Eagle Scouts in the two years I was associated with the committee. I was promoted to District Director in the Northern Lights Council after three years of service.
Saint John's University
Associate Director of Fellows Relations | 09/2007 - 08/2008
I worked to engage and energize alumni and friends in support of the Saint John’s Annual Fund which supports scholarships for students. My primary responsibilities included managing the Saint John’s Fellows Society with the implementation and support of a volunteer program for alumni, parents, and friends of the university. I recruited, trained, and supported Fellows volunteers. A Fellow is someone who supports the annual fund with a gift of $1,000 or more. At the time, Fellows gifts accounted for two million dollars of the three million dollar goal. I also communicated the institutional mission, vision, priorities, and needs to the alumni and friends. I was responsible for personally cultivating, soliciting, and stewarding gifts to the university, and providing highly responsive customer service to donors.
Northern Star Council, BSA
District Director | 07/2001 - 09/2007
My primary function was to act as a liaison for the Boy Scouts of America to over 1,200 adult volunteers who administered scouting programs to over 3,000 youth. I was responsible for managing a service area where I staffed volunteer committees by recruiting and training community leaders. I provided regular and effective support services for over 110 scouting units in the form of training, recruiting, and membership management. I maintained a professional and upbeat work climate to attract, keep, and motivate top quality volunteers within the communities I served. I also acted as the spokesman in my service area administering council policies in a timely manner to the local scouting units. In addition, I managed fundraising campaigns and other council level programs. Throughout the six years I showed membership growth by starting new units and recruiting youth members. Due to my hard work I was promoted three times and given the responsibility of one direct report.