Pete Peterson: in Encinitas, CA
Pete Peterson
Encinitas | United States
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Work experience
Baker Electric Home Energy
Content Marketing Coordinator | 03/2019 - 03/2020
(furloughed March 2020)
Baker Electric Home Energy
Created copy and images for marketing content.
• Created keyword-rich pages for website blog, website rebuild pages, and video description introductions.
• Managed social channel content for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Managed ads for Facebook and Yelp.
• Wrote internal and external communications including press releases and BBB application (won 2019 Torch Award)
• Repurposed internal ads, mailers, emails and external content (always cited) into social and blog posts.
• Photographer and videographer with commercial drone license.
Bonnier Corporation / Dirt Rider Magazine
Editor-in-Chief | 08/2006 - 01/2018
Editor-In-Chief | Editor | Associate Editor | Web Producer 2006 - 2018
Dirt Rider Magazine, Bonnier Corporation
Managed all print and digital content for a best-in-class sports magazine, covering the latest in motocross and off-road motorcycles, related products and personalities, how-tos, feature stories, and racing.
· Wrote content-rich and entertaining feature articles and department stories.
· Hired, managed and directed a team of writers, freelancers, and photographers.
· Planned, researched and evaluated content opportunities to produce 10 print issues per year.
· Increased website traffic; 1.2 million UV and over 2.9 million PV in one month, more than double over the previous year.
· Strategized and created video, print, and digital content that successfully promoted and revitalized a struggling event series.
· Researched and evaluated products to write product reviews and descriptions.
· Wrote technical articles that translated complex information into succinct content.
· Copyedited all stories for each print issue, serving as the expert on content, grammar, and tone.
· Represented the company brand while covering industry events world-wide.