Scott Reese: in Garden Grove, CA
Scott Reese
Garden Grove | United States
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Work experience
blurbIQ Inc.
Co-founder & President Of Brand Marketing & Activation | 07/2009 - 01/2020
BLURBIQ INC, Las Vegas, NV (Full service digital marketing agency and ad technology) 2009 – 2020
Co-founder & President Of Brand Marketing & Activation
• Led marketing, programming, and graphic design teams in building the award winning cross platform interactive video/display production and media buying advertising technology solution from the ground up. The technology and media network allows agencies, brands, and ad networks the ability to create, place, and measure robust interactive images and interactive video campaigns cross platform via drag and drop tools and analytical dashboards seamlessly producing in banner, pre-roll, social media Facebook embed, mobile, and tablet interactive video and digital campaigns.
• Conceptualized and brought to market new interactive preroll and display units including: interactive in banner scratch off and peel off sites, interactive gamified preroll video, choose your own adventure, research and in stream polls, build your own product, type in skip ad message guarantee, in ad unit search engine, ecommerce/payment processing in unit, memory games, and puzzles.
• Led creative, programming, project management, ad operations, and media teams to execute and measure successful cross platform interactive preroll, display, social media, and mobile campaigns for E*Trade, Bank of America, American Family Insurance, Castle Brands, Jefferson’s Bourbon, 50 Vodka, Macy’s ,ABC Family, Universal Pictures, Focus Features, MGM Resorts International, Jersey Boys, Qantas Airlines, Tourism Australia, Embassy Suites, Procter & Gamble, AT&T, , GM, Dodge, Campbell’s Soup, Jamba Juice, Xyience, Clique Hospitality, Harley Davidson, and more.
• Led creative and media teams from Starcom Mediavest, WPP, Omnicom, Wieden & Kennedy, MDC, Publicis, Groupe, Carat, Maxus Global, Spark, and Mullen on the production, execution, and measurement of cross platform interactive media campaigns.
• Increased preroll video completion rates by over 16%, interaction rates by 28x, click through rates by 3x, and average time spent in unit by over 33%. Increased display advertising campaign performance metrics. Interaction rate increase by 10x, average time spent in unit increase by 208%, and click through rate increase by 5x. Drove Facebook marketing campaigns to perform at an average interaction rate of 1280%, average time spent in unit over 3 minutes, and click through rates over 23%.
• Wrote, storyboarded, shot, produced, and directed numerous video commercials for CPG and technology clients.