Sean Sullivan: senior content creator in Auburn, California

Work experience
SENIOR EDITOR Ͳ | 06/2022 - 07/2023
My latest position was senior editor for FSF magazine. Based in Fort Lauderdale Florida, FSF prints 6 issues a year,
40K copies per issue, approximately 140 page per book. As the only full-time editorial staff my responsibilities ran
the gamut for a magazine of this size. I conceptualized all the stories, I shot the photos & video, I wrote the stories, the reviews, tips, tutorials, you name it, I made it. In addition to handling all the editorial duties, I was also
responsible for finding contributors, reviewing content, etc. This includes both print and digital editions.
PELAGIC GEAR - Lead content creator & editor - photography / video Ͳ09/2016 to 03/2020
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service media studio in a dedicated off-site facility. It was here I handled all aspects of the content creation & delivery process. This included video production, as well as original product photography using a custom-built
lighting and capture rig͘ When I wasn't working in the studio, I was tasked to shoot on location in some of the world's most stunning localesŝŶĐludingŽƐƚĂZŝĐĂ͕ĂďŽ^ĂŶ>ƵĐĂƐ͕ĞůŝnjĞ͕ĂŶĚ^ŽƵƚŚĞƌŶ&ůŽƌŝĚĂ͘
Pelagic Gear
Lead content creator & editor - photography / video | 09/2016 - 03/2020
I worked at Pelagic for four years as the staff photographer and video producer. During this period I
designed, installed, and ran, a full service media studio in a dedicated off-site facility. It was here I
handled all aspects of the content creation & delivery process. This included video production, as well as original product photography using a custom built lighting and capture rig that I designed. When I wasn't
working in the studio, I was tasked to shoot on location in some of the world's most stunning locales.
At Pelagic my job was to take media projects from concept to completion, to fulfill the brands vast media
needs we regularly did shoots in Costa Rica, Cabo San Lucas, Belize, and Southern Florida. We also
documented some of the largest big game fishing tournaments in the world, from this content we
produced a series of professional quality video shorts as well as large still photo collections that were then
utilized across the Pelagic promotional eco-system.
professional photographer of more than | 05/2014 - 05/2018
30 years, my vast collection of imagery fit naturally into a
pair of published coffee table books.
Carlton Books of London, and had 13k copies pressed. The book quickly sold out and can now be found at a premium on Amazon dot com
2017 and featured a collection of my classic skateboarding imagery from the late 80's up to 2016. This
book can also be found on Amazon.
Please feel free to request copies of the books, more than happy to send out copies to you & your team.
Senior Photographer | 05/2006 - 03/2008
High end professional camera sales - 05/2006 to 03/2008
In the mid 2000's I took a hiatus from professional photography to test myself on the other side of the counters as
a sales associate handling top level DSLR and video camera sales across brands like Nikon, Canon, Sony.
** During my tenure as part of the Mike's sales team I was consistently #2 in sales out of a team of 8.
SNOWBOARDER MAGAZINE - Senior Photographer Ͳ09/1990 to 05/2001
For more than a decade I was a senior photographer with Snowboarder Magazine. As part of the first generation of senior
shooters to work with Snowboarder, my photo work helped usher in a new era in Snowboarding. During this time, I was
fortunate to have my images featured on more than a dozen magazine covers and literally hundreds of pages within the mag.
My job consisted of taking editorial projects from concept to completion for publication. Some of the features I brought to the magazine included "Alternative environments", an artistic presentation featuring various top pros performing their favorite offboard
activities. I also was the creator of the original 'Super Park' concept that Snowboarder magazine hosted for more than 20
As a professional photographer of more than 30 years, my vast collection of imagery fit naturally into a Series of published
coffee table books.
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Senior Photographer | 09/1990 - 05/2001
Snowboarder Magazine - Southern California
For more than a decade I was a senior photographer with Snowboarder Magazine. As part of the first
generation of senior shooters to work with Snowboarder, my photo work helped usher in a new era in Snowboarding. During this time I was fortunate to have my images featured on more than a dozen
Magazine covers and literally hundreds of pages within the mag.
My job consisted of taking editorial projects from concept to completion for publication. Some of the features I brought to the magazine included "Alternative environments", an artistic presentation featuring
various top pros performing their favorite off-board activities.
I also was the creator of the original 'Super Park' concept that Snowboarder magazine continues to do
each year, the idea was initially meant as a showcase of "the very best, riding the very best terrain possible". Since then, the annual event has become an institution in the Snowboarding industry.
I remain in contact with the people at Snowboarder and can provide references.