Stephen Post: in Columbus, OH
Stephen Post
Columbus | United States
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Work experience
Columbus Police After Action Review
Graduate Research Associate | 01/2021 - 03/2021
o Provide research support to evaluate the preparation and response of the Columbus Police Department to the protests that took place in Columbus, Ohio from May 28 through July 19, 2020
o Take notes during confidential interviews of protestors, observers and law enforcement officers
o Review similar research and news media regarding police actions
OSU Drug Enforcement and Policy Center
Graduate Research Associate | 05/2018 - 09/2020
o Research actors and compile data associated with the marijuana industry, drug reform, the opioid epidemic,
law enforcement, and criminal justice reform
o Analyze local, state, and federal regulations governing the legality and operations of cannabis industries
including codified statutes, agency guidelines, and judicial rulings
o Create original research including a state-by-state analysis of cannabis social equity policies, analysis of legal
institutions teaching drug policy, & evaluation of Ohio's Medical Marijuana Control Program
o Summarize database research into briefing memos for policymakers, legal professionals, and public
o Engage with key public, private, and non-profit stakeholders involved in the cannabis industry and drug
policy at the local, state, and national levels
o Build social media pages on Twitter and Facebook to further our presence, outreach, and engagement
J.D. Vance
Policy Research Intern at Our Ohio Renewal | 06/2017 - 02/2018
o Researched opioids effect on Ohio kinship care, state/federal funding, and legislation
o Reached out to 10-15 potential new connections/partners
o Planned issue-based events to spur initiative progress, contributed to working papers/policy documents