Teresa Gomez: Technical Designer in Orange
Teresa Gomez
Technical Designer
Orange | United States
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Work experience
Discount Dance
Technical Designer | 07/2021 - Current
Handle development lifecycle from sketch, fabric/trim approvals, lab dips, tech pack creation, fit approvals from proto
to final TOP approval for multiple product lines
• Work with designer and patternmakers to create tech packs with detailed sketches and specs, including front and back sketch, construction details, illustrations, materials, trims and hardware
• Lead fit sessions and partner with design, and patternmakers, assuring models & samples are in place to maximize
styles fit
• Provide Technical direction to the factories on corrective actions by utilizing, digital photos, written comments,
reviewing patterns and making pattern corrections from factories and patternmaking.
• Resolve and communicate with domestic and overseas suppliers within the development and production timelines
• Spec samples, examine garment construction to ensure quality and fit from proto to TOP
• Maintain development of WIP and all product review/approval files.
Sunsets Inc
Associate Designer/Tech Designer | 02/2017 - 02/2019
• Developed complete Tech Packs with flat sketches, detailed specifications, fabrications and BOM
• Handled and oversee product development cycle from sketch to tech pack creation, fit approvals, proto to final bulk
• Created flat sketches and made modifications, including front and back sketch illustrations, prints, construction
details, materials, trims and hardware
• Took customers inspirations and ideas to bring design for the customer in Private Label
• Researched current trends; bring in new ideas through competitive shopping, runways, style websites
• Placed print files on cad designs, review sizing and placement of artwork for line sheets
• Approvals on fabrics, trims, hardware, embellishments, LD, and S/O
• Maintained design records and ensures line sheets are up to date
• Managed photo samples and editorial samples and hand off to accounts
• Responsible for preparing and managing fit sessions, assuring samples have detailed fit comments
Orange, Ca. 92867 teresa3338@sbcglobal.net
• Identified and resolved fit and correction issues with a solution to correct, resolve and communicate fit and construction issues to overseas factories within the development and production timelines
• Prepare and manage packages to international factories
• Enhanced fit and quality through review of customer comments, competitive analysis, and conducting fit sessions
• Ensured the organization of design spaces, fabric library and samples
Jr. Product Developer | 09/2015 - 05/2016
• Participated in fittings and collaborate with tech designer and designer to communicate all fit comments to vendors.
• Research of seasonal trends, colors and raw materials for new development
• Worked with trim suppliers to develop trims for all product categories.
• Assisted with creating Tech Pack revisions
• Tracked all approvals of lab-dips, fabric, trims, strike offs, fit sample, pre-production samples and TOP's
• Created and maintain Bill of Materials for each style in the line
• Assisted with compiling samples for tradeshows, photo shoots, etc.
• Maintained daily development communication with factories and the internal product team.
• Assembled all necessary files (tech packs, specs BOM, art, etc.) and distributed the complete development packs to the assigned vendors for development
• Tracked all development of assigned categories and make sure that all parties are staying on calendar
• Maintained development tracking sheets and all product review/approval files
• Worked with design and tech design team to review prototypes, sales samples, PP's and TOPs for fabric, color, design,
fits, etc.
• Communicated with the production team regarding any potential issues that might affect timelines and quality.
Z Supply Inc
Production Coordinator | 09/2014 - 09/2015
• Communicated with overseas vendors on all production process to ensure quality and maintain deliveries
• Reviewed, commented and approved lab dips, trims, and bulk fabric for production, meeting quality and color
matching standards
• Tracked all approvals of lab-dips, fabric, trims, fit sample, pre-production samples and TOP's
• Prepared, maintain and review WIP daily
• Entered and manage purchase orders to send to overseas agents and maintain the arrival date and open units.
• Passed 1st fit/PP and TOP samples over to technical designer for fitting and comment
• Managed sample request from sales or customers
• Reviewed and monitored weekly shipping schedule
Unger Fabrics/One World Apparel
Asst Tech Designer | 01/2013 - 09/2014
Communicated with design, pre-production and production to coordinate and track progress of prototype production
and final TOP
• Assisted technical design and partner with patternmakers to manage tech packs with specs, construction, and fit
comments to safeguard the quality of the original design
• Supported technical design with measurement of fit sample garments
• Communicated with overseas factories for construction standards and development of final TOP
• Assisted with private label specification guidelines and grading
• Maintained and manage reports on ETA's and deadlines of final TOP