Yvette Nguyen: in Tustin, CA
Yvette Nguyen
Tustin | United States
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Health & Fitness
Work experience
Servitek Solutions, INC.
Business Operations Manager | 02/2014 - 05/2015
Solely managed all finance and operational optimization for an electrical contracting company
• Developed pricing model that standardized valuation of contract bids by identifying and computing direct labor costs, materials and overhead, avoiding loss on underestimated bids
• Designed job costing report to track individual job costs to assess profitability and identify areas for improvement
• Diligently ensured accurate labor compliance on public works projects and the local unions
• Analyzed financial position to manage cash flow and create budget projections
Western Digital
Financial Analyst Intern | 06/2013 - 01/2014
Performed data analysis, budget forecasting and financial reporting for an industry leading $15B hard drive manufacturer
- Performed monthly trend and variance analyses related to domestic spending and division allocation using Cognos, Oracle, and Excel, enabling management to control spending and optimize revenue
- Assisted with budget formulation for new fiscal year by analyzing employee benefits in the US
- Assessed the strength of suppliers by producing various financial metrics from financial statements in order to determine potential action to ensure reliable and economical procurement of materials
- Developed departmental procedure and report for approving and documenting legal invoices that resulted
Greenbaum Law Group LLP
Director of Finance | 07/2009 - 08/2012
Solely handled all finance, human resources and office management duties for a small commercial collection law firm
- Implemented an electronic billing system, which allowed for payments 3 days earlier, reduced mailing costs and provided a channel for more efficient client communication
- Reduced invoice preparation time by 60% through identifying a more efficient billing report that also ensured the comprehensiveness and accuracy of all time and expense entries
- Automated several reports including a report to calculate accrued/used vacation and sick days by utilizing Excel which reduced preparation time and increased efficiency