Aina Clothing Careers and Employment in , VA
Aina Clothing
What is Aina?‘ Aina is Hawaiian for land or earth. Pronounced “eye-nah”
Aina Clothing is an active lifestyle brand that strives to be produced with the least impact to the environment and draws its inspiration from playing in the dirt, water and snow.
At Aina, I strive to make clothing; hoodies, t-shirts, hats and gear that are more sustainable, eco-friendly, durable and sourced as locally as possible while also being of fair value.
Malama Aina; caring for the land. It’s what we all should strive to do. Every little change makes a difference and helps to protect our playground Earth. Aina’s commitment to protecting the environment is more than just eco-friendly clothing, it’s about conservation, consuming less. I would love for you to buy my threads, but do so only when you need them. The less we take from our planet makes it more enjoyable when we get to do the things that inspire and stoke us whatever they may be.
Malama Aina; Caring for the land