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Good n Evil Careers and Employment in Newport Beach, CA

Good n Evil

1 Follower
Newport Beach | US
Good n Evil is a unique and artistically refreshing brand, whose vision is portrayed through the story-based garments it produces. Good n Evil tells the story of the characters whom exist in this fictional world through fashion. We give the consumer not only a uniquely designed, elegantly crafted item, but also an experience, something to collect, and a look into a world closely resembling ours entitled, Good n Evil. Good n Evil will establish and increase its fan base through our focused storyline. The in depth charismatic personalities of the characters will draw the buyer closer and closer. We enhance the stories of our Good n Evil characters beyond clothing by incorporating multimedia outlets including GoodnEvil.com, short graphic novels attainable though clothing purchases, and bonus soundtracks for each new line. The rich complexity of this line, brought forth through the use of more simplistic imagery, will attract the mature audience, while remaining true to the line and all it symbolizes. The artistically vibrant, playful and original visuals will capture the eyes of today’s youth, providing them with a new long awaited form of self-expression. Good n Evil is a play on words which symbolizes that one can find good within the depths of evil. The idea is to show people that everything that appears negative on the surface, may not always be, or may not have always been. At times, good things have a way of transforming into something not so pleasant, while bad things may happen to have a inner core of good not easily foreseen. The idea is as complex as it is simple. This universal truth, coupled with the imagination, is the fuel that drives the machine called Good n Evil.
1501 Lincoln Blvd.#1014 Venice, CA. 90291