Kastner & Partners Careers and Employment in Santa Monica, CA
Kastner & Partners
Moto & Powersports
Kastner & Partners is an international, independent, privately owned advertising agency network. Kastner & Partners was founded by Johannes Kastner more than 20 years ago in Frankfurt, Germany and today has 13 offices across the globe.
Kastner & Partners is the lead agency for Red Bull - the worldwide market leader in Energy Drinks. The company has a unique culture that is creative, challenging and unconventional yet also fun and exciting.
We are not only a classical “advertising agency” but rather a communications agency that provides strategic and creative recommendations regarding all aspects of our client’s business.
For Red Bull, our role is also one of brand consultancy in that we provide counsel for both maintaining and sharpening the brand’s image and corporate culture.
Kastner & Partners has three offices in the United States: Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York. Our headquarters are in Los Angeles where the Traffic, Production and Creative departments are based.
The remaining offices serve as regional hubs for the Red Bull client.