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Orion Coolers Careers and Employment in Sparta, TN

Orion Coolers

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Sparta | US

There are a lot of premium coolers on the market. You’ve probably heard of, and may even own, a few of them. They’re rugged, and keep things cold for a long time. They’re good at what they do.

Well, we’re good at what we do too. We’re molders. We’re designers. We’re fisherman. We’re hunters. We’re kayakers. We’re family. We mold all of our Jackson Kayak whitewater, recreational, and kayak fishing models right next to Orion Coolers at our facility in Sparta, TN. We do every step of the process.

Orion Coolers was founded on one principal. A premium cooler should be able to do more. Be different. So, by working with our team members, dedicated outdoorsman, and industry partners, we brought a cooler to market with an unparalleled level of performance and innovative features to enhance the users experience, no matter where in the world their adventures took them.

It’s not what your cooler can do for you, it’s what you can do with your cooler.

1501 Lincoln Blvd.#1014 Venice, CA. 90291