Switch Vision Careers and Employment in Fairfield, NJ
Switch Vision
Moto & Powersports
The world’s first eyewear with a Magnetic Interchange Lens System™ - for unparalleled convenience, speed and ease of use: an idea born of necessity.
The inventors of Switch demanded better sunwear options. Traditional fixed lens sunglasses work well in some light conditions, but not others. Mechanical interchange lens systems are clumsy and can be difficult to use.
Contact lens wearers need plano sunglasses some
days and Rx suns on others. Between carrying
around multiple, bulky sunglasses, and pulling and
prying mechanical interchange lenses in and out,
we felt there had to be a better way.
Then it came to us: “Magnets!”
So we built a prototype with embedded magnets in the sunglass lens
and frame to test our theory. As we brought the magnetic interchange
lenses close to the sunglass frame, they literally jumped into place.
It took us over three years to perfect the idea and
to make sure that real users - serious runners,
skiers, bikers, hikers, climbers, kayakers, golfers,
and tennis players as well as active weekend warriors -
would love them as much as we do. We also tested hundreds of
different sunglass lenses to identify the best ones for the
widest range of activities, selecting those that would provide the best visual information for
sports performed in glare, sun and shade. The result: the world’s first magnetic interchange sunglass collection created
for - and by - active outdoor athletes.
Because One Lens Is Not Enough.