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Kurt L Schwaninger: in lakewood, CO

Kurt L Schwaninger

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lakewood | United States

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Moto & Powersports
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Work experience
Image Adaptive Innovations Corporation

Adaptive Innovations Corporation

Sr. Mechanical Engineer | 11/2014 - 02/2015

- Created a custom load/unload packaging cell for a fire suppression sprinkler head automated assembly. - Gained valuable SolidWorks experience.
Image Sierra Nevada Corporation - contract New Frontier Global, LLC

Sierra Nevada Corporation - contract New Frontier Global, LLC

Thermal Engineer | 09/2013 - 07/2014

- Performed thermal analysis and research for an innovative new space science vehicle. - Delivered conceptual designs for a Thermal Protection System, Temperature Control System, and Environmental Control System for re-purposing a Spacecraft for long duration space missions. - Gained experience using Thermal Desktop thermal analysis software integrated with Solid Works and AutoCAD.
Image Lockheed Martin - contract MEI Technologies, Inc.

Lockheed Martin - contract MEI Technologies, Inc.

Thermal Engineer | 11/2009 - 02/2012

- Presented Preliminary and Critical Design Reviews to NASA, on short deadlines, providing thermal data to essure system design criteria compliance for spacecraft development. - Delivered thermal analysis and temperature predictions, for complex electronic avionics boxes and their mounting locations, on the Orion Crew Module spacecraft. - Gained extensive experience using Thermal Desktop thermal analysis software integrated with Pro/Engineer and AutoCAD. - Performed thermal-vacuum chamber testing for hardware components destined for space flight.
Image CBW Automation

CBW Automation

Sr. Mechanical Design Engineer | 11/2007 - 04/2009

- Created high speed robots and downstream automation systems for the plastics injection molding industries that supply containers to the commercial, medical, and food industries. - Majority of efforts were performed on Pro/Engineer workstations completing product development and documentation control.
Image SIgnature Control Systems Inc. - contract Aerotek, Inc

SIgnature Control Systems Inc. - contract Aerotek, Inc

Sr. Mechanical Engineer | 11/2005 - 12/2006

- Redesigned an impedance sensor, for a plastics injection mold curing system, enabling market expansion into businesses that utilize small molds for plastic and rubber parts. - Gained product design and documentation experience on AutoCAD. - Performed product validation testing on the impedance sensor.
Image Quantum Corp

Quantum Corp

Sr. Mechanical Engineer | 04/2002 - 08/2005

- Modified, re-designed and designed injection molded plastic parts for magnetic tape data storage drives and autoloaders. - Performed product design and analysis utilizing Pro/Engineer and Pro/Mechanica software. - Completed thermal, vibration and shock validation testing on new products. - Performed site audits at part supplies and manufacturing locations.
Education history
Image University of Nebraska

University of Nebraska

Bachelor of Science | 1977 - 1982

Companies (0)

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1501 Lincoln Blvd.#1014 Venice, CA. 90291