Weston Tribelli: Patagonia: Outdoor Gear Repair Specialist in Reno, NV
Weston Tribelli
Patagonia: Outdoor Gear Repair Specialist
Reno | United States
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Product design
3D printing
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Work experience
Patagonia: Outdoor Gear Repair Specialist | 01/2020 - Current
In my role as Outdoor Gear Repair Specialist I am tasked to understand product construction and to properly repair technical outerwear, packs and luggage. I utilize several types of industrial sewing machines along with laser cutters and heat presses. I have a good knowledge of our outdoor products and each of their functions. Familiar with many materials and their function based on product specifications.
Aside from my main job duties I run scheduled maintenance on various machines including laser cutters and heat presses.
Dogma Creative
Website Designer and Market Researcher (Internship) | 06/2019 - 01/2020
My job duties for Dogma Creative include market research for ski resorts along with building and maintaining the company's website.
University of Nevada Reno, Innevation Center Powered by Switch
Makerspace Team Member | 01/2017 - 12/2019
3D modeling and design for prototype consulting.
My current job duties include 3D printing parts for customers and companies,
provide customers and clients with knowledge of design and the 3D printing process
all while working alongside others in a team environment on assigned projects for our machine shop and 3D printing lab.
Education history
University of Nevada Reno
| 2015 - 2019
Companies (0)
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